
2 Mar 2023

Clarksons Newsletter March 2023

WILL THE SPRING BUDGET STIMULATE ECONOMIC GROWTH? With the UK economy flat lining the Chancellor is under pressure to announce measures to stimulate growth. There are even calls for him to cut corporation tax which is scheduled to increase...

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31 Jan 2023

Clarksons Newsletter February 2023

MAKING TAX DIGITAL FOR INCOME TAX DELAYED AGAIN Making tax digital (MTD) for income tax self-assessment (ITSA) was originally scheduled to start in 2018 and was then put back to 2023 and then 2024.   It was announced just before...

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24 Nov 2022

Clarksons Newsletter December 2022

THE AUTUMN STATEMENT TAX INCREASES AND PUBLIC SPENDING CUTS The new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt had warned the public and the financial markets that his Autumn Statement would include “eye-watering” cuts in public spending and tax...

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3 Nov 2022

Clarksons Newsletter November 2022

U-TURNS TO STEADY THE FINANCIAL MARKETS A MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR A VOLATILE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT   In his Fiscal Statement delivered on 23 September 2022, the previous Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, introduced a Growth Plan...

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28 Sep 2022

Clarksons Newsletter October 2022

TEAM TRUSS CUT TAXES TO STIMULATE THE ECONOMY On 23 September 2022, Kwasi Kwarteng, the new Chancellor (the fifth in as many years) delivered a Tax Cutting “Fiscal Event” or Mini-Budget to help boost economic growth. This was...

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